Farming for the future.


Live algae have been shown to increase productivity in fish farms.


  • Algae are a rich source of many useful organic compounds.
  • Omega fatty acids and various antioxidants.

CO2 and Nutrient sequestration

  • Algae consume about 2 pounds of co2 per pound of biomass.
  • Excess Phosphate and Nitrate can be removed with algae.

About us

Icon bioproducts was started in early 2023 by one of the founders and a research technician from Culture Biosystems. At Culture Biosystems they gained over 20 years of combined experience in the design and construction of novel, low cost photobioreactors, as well as the bulk culturing of economically valuable micro algae species outside the lab. This was made possible by the robust, low cost, photobioreactor design that took 9 years to develop.

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